Historic Macro

Historic Macro

Description: This macro creates a Chart image of the latest historic data of a page execution. The image created provide clickable area to display the specific execution result.
  Syntax: {greenpepper-historic} 

  Optional parameters:

  • pageTitle: Default --> Macro's residing page
    The page title you want to show historic.
  • spaceKey: Default --> Macro's residing space
    You can specify a specific space for your page.
  • sut: Default --> selected System Under Test of the page
    The System Under Test name of the page
  • maxresult: Default --> 30
    The maximum number of the latest historic data entry to show
  • width: Default --> 500
    The width of the chart in pixels
  • height: Default --> 500
    The height of the chart in pixels
  • border: Default --> false
    Indicate to use a border for the chart image
  • showignored: Default --> false
    Indicate to show the count of ignored tests
  • children: Default --> false
    This parameter present a summary Chart containing an aggregation of execution result. If set to first, aggregation will be done for all first level children of the specified page. If set to all, the aggregation will be done with the complete hierarchy of the specified page.
  • labels: Default --> none
    Labels to base the search when doing the aggregation of execution result of pages
    Using the , as the label separation is equivalent to an OR query. So label1,label2 will retrieve all pages labeled by label1 OR/AND label2
    Using the & as the label separation is equivalent to an AND query. So label1&label2 will retrieve all pages labeled by label1 AND label2



{greenpepper-historic:pageTitle=Cell Decoration|
                       sut=GreenPepperOpen - Core Java|

Saving historic data from a local execution or a continuous build server

When executing specification locally or through a continuous build server, result are not saved automatically since they are deconnected from the Confluence plugin (only the specification page is retrieved). 
Starting from version 2.2, we can post back the execution result using the repository implementation com.greenpepper.runner.repository.GreenPepperRepository (Java) or Greenpepper.Repositories.GreenPepperRepository (.Net). A new parameter must be added to the URL : postExecutionResult=true.

Example using the GreenPepper Maven Plugin :

             <suite>GreenPepper Confluence-GREENPEPPER</suite>