Confluence Plugin Setup
The installation of GreenPepper is no different from any other Confluence Add-On installation.
Simply upload your greenpepper-confluence-plugin-xx.jar via your Add-On Manager.
The upgrade of GreenPepper is no different from any other Confluence plugin upgrade.
1. Uninstall your GreenPepper Plugin via your Add-On Manager
2. Re-Upload your GreenPepper Plugin via your Add-On Manager
If you really want to uninstall GreenPepper, simply uninstall your GreenPepper Plugin via your Add-On Manager
Configure Greenpepper Confluence plugin
Confluence Server Base Url
If you expose the Confluence server to the outside world (other than localhost), make sure the Server Base URLof Confluence found is the external URL of the server.
This property is found under the General Configuration of the Administration of Confluence.
Note : If you change this URL when existing Spaces have been registered as greenpepper project, you will need to refresh each project by clicking the Edit link then the Save link on the Space Registration form of the Space Administration or on the Project Management tab of the configuration of the greenpepper plugin.
Here are the panes that will be accessible from your GreenPepper Toolbox plugin Configuration.
Database setup
GreenPepper has its own database to store multiple data such as executions results, references and so on. You will have two options:
Quick install
A HSQL will be created locally. This setup is not suggested for a production environment, it was put in place for quick trial setup purposes.
Custom install
This will allow you to setup GreenPepper to use an external DBMS. Supported DBMS includes:
- PostgreSQL
- H2
- SQLServer
- Oracle
Be aware that some of these systems JDBC drivers are not include in Confluence. Please refer to Confluence Wiki for more information.
Once you have set the database up, you can test your parameters while the Test button.
Your runners configuration pane.
You will be able to add/remove/update your runners.
We recommend creating an own remote runner because tests must be run outside of the confluence VM.
Java Runner
The most recent Java runner will be available by default. At each start of Confluence, we make sure there is a Java Runner matching the GreenPepper plugin version.
- Click on Add a new Runner
- Enter the name respectively IP of your server
- Enter the port of your server
- If your server runs in secure mode, enable the appropriate checkbox
- Enter the file path of your Runner-jar
- Click Save
Maven Runner
Default command line : | java -cp ${classpaths} ${mainClass} ${inputPath} ${outputPath} -l ${locale} -r ${repository} -f ${fixtureFactory} --xml --pdd ${projectDependencyDescriptor} |
Main class : | com.greenpepper.maven.runner.Main |
Environment : | JAVA |
Classpaths (mandatory) : | .../greenpepper-maven-runner-x.x-complete.jar |
Note : You need to specify the full path for the classpath files.
You can set different classpaths to the same Runner(e.g. different folder locations for Linux- and Windows-Users). Delimitate paths with a NewLine(Enter). During runtime every non existing path will be ignored.
Please ensure the data consistency of two or more Runners of the same name and package but a different and existing path. The easiest way to achieve this, is to keep your project up-to-date via version control systems like Git or Subversion.
Project Management (register a space to GreenPepper)
Goal of the registration
The goal of the repository registration is to regroup available specifications and requirements repositories under a single common GreenPepper project so that, when linking specifications to requirements, we can concentrate on related repositories. Here is an overview of the domain:
How to register a repository
To register your repository to GreenPepper server, follow these steps:
- Select the Space which you want to register, then click Register.
- Select the GreenPepper project to which you want to associate your repository to or choose New Project.
- Enter the Project name if you want to register a new project
- Enter the alias to identify your Confluence Space (i.e. PROJECTNAME).
- In order to restrict access, enter the username and password of a Confluence user. This restriction will be applied to Confluence and any other plugins accessing or executing the executable specifications.
- Click Save.
- From the list, select a system under test, if any available.
- If no one is available choose Add a new System under Test
- Enter the name of your System under Test. It don't has to be the project name of your SuT.
- Select the Runner you have specified in step 2.1.2
Enter the Classpath, where your greenpepper-Classes(Fixtures) can be found
You can set different classpaths to the same project(e.g. different folder locations for Linux- and Windows-Users). Delimitate paths with a NewLine(Enter). While executing tables every non existing path will be ignored.
Please ensure the data consistency of two or more classes of the same name and package but a different and existing path. The easiest way to achieve this, is to keep your project up-to-date via version control systems like Git or Subversion.
Confluence Space setup
Using GreenPepper theme
The Theme is a plug-and-play plugin giving access to all GreenPepper functionalities once it has been set.
You can set the GreenPepper Theme from the Space admin panel or Global admin panel.
The drawback of using the Theme is that you will not be able to customize your layouts (e.g. page, space, template) or, if already customized, your customization will be ignored.
Two themes are available.
- Select the Space you want to apply greenpepper
- Select "Space tools" (bottom left)
- Select "Look and Feel"
- Select GreenPepper Documentation Theme. It provides the greenpepper color palette and overrides the default ( or custom) page layout.The page layout automatically includes:
- the greenpepper header (Execute button and reference list at the top of the page)
- the greenpepper body (allows GreenPepper to print out test results)
Select "confirm"
Caution with the Greenpepper theme
We cannot guaranty the behavior of the theme between Confluence upgrades. We do not have control on the default page layout of Confluence. This one may vary from a version to another. We advise you to manually configure your page layout. See Confluence Plugin Setup.
Further Configuration
To allow remote access to the the GreenPepper addon, it is necessary to activate the Remote API. Go to the menu Further Configuration of your confluence installation and check the box next to Remote API (XML-RPC & SOAP).