GreenPepper is a tool to link Business analysts to Development teams.
Write your specifications. Give them to the developer. Test the specification once the task is done.
Need testing a basic rule set ?
The specification
rule for | Calculator | |
x | y | sum? |
6 | 2 | 8 |
7 | 0 | 9 |
The Fixture code
public class Calculator { public Integer x; public Integer y; public Integer sum() { return x + y; } }
The result
rule for | Calculator | |
x | y | sum? |
6 | 2 | 8 |
7 | 0 | 9 |
Need testing a scenario ?
The specification
scenario | bank |
- open checking account 12345-67890 under the name of Spongebob Squarepants
- verify that balance of account 12345-67890 is $0.00
end |
The Fixture code
public class BankFixture { @Given("open (\\w+) account (\\d{5}\\-\\d{5}) under the name of ([\\w|\\s]*)") public void openAccount(String type, String number, Owner owner) {} @Then("verify that balance of account (\\d{5}\\-\\d{5}) is (\\$\\d+\\.\\d\\d)") public void theBalanceOfAccount(String number, Expectation expectedBalance) {} }
The result
scenario | bank |
- open checking account 12345-67890 under the name of Spongebob Squarepants
- verify that balance of account 12345-67890 is $0.00
end |
And much much more! See the documentation.
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