
GreenPepper is a tool to link Business analysts to Development teams.

Write your specifications. Give them to the developer. Test the specification once the task is done.

Need testing a basic rule set ?

The specification
rule forCalculator
The Fixture code
public class Calculator
    public Integer x;
    public Integer y;
    public Integer sum()
        return x + y;
The result
rule forCalculator

Need testing a scenario ?

The specification



  • open checking account 12345-67890 under the name of Spongebob Squarepants
  • verify that balance of account 12345-67890 is $0.00


The Fixture code
public class BankFixture {
    @Given("open (\\w+) account (\\d{5}\\-\\d{5}) under the name of ([\\w|\\s]*)")
    public void openAccount(String type, String number, Owner owner)
    @Then("verify that balance of account (\\d{5}\\-\\d{5}) is (\\$\\d+\\.\\d\\d)")
    public void theBalanceOfAccount(String number, Expectation expectedBalance)

The result



  • open checking account 12345-67890 under the name of Spongebob Squarepants
  • verify that balance of account 12345-67890 is $0.00


And much much more! See the documentation.

Confluence Plugin

Confluence is an enterprise wiki that makes it easy to create and share documents.
It also offers a powerful Plugin architecture that allows us to write plugins that change the way things work or add entirely new functionalities. 
So this led us to the conclusion that Confluence was a good choice for a Test document repository.

GreenPepper Maven Plugin

The GreenPepper Plugin is used during the integration-test phase of the build lifecycle to execute the integration tests of an application. It generates reports of your specification execution

.Net Runner

Greenpepper Provides a command line runner for the C# applications.

Selenium tests

Learn how to use Selenium as a backend for your tests.

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