Remote Agent

Remote Agent

The GreenPepper remote agent is a small server that can be used to execute specifications from a GreenPepper Server to another machine.

This Agent is an answer to many purposes like this examples :

  1. Your GreenPepper server is installed on a unix machine and you need to execute .Net specifications on a windows machine.
  2. You do not want to execute your specifications directly on your GreenPepper Server.


GreenPepper Remote Agent installation

The GreenPepper remote agent is a simple executable java application that can be found here.

  1. Copy the remote agent Jar file on the machine where your GreenPepper Server will sends its remotes executions.
  2. To launch the remote agent, just double-click on the Jar file or by command line.
Command line to start the remote agent with default settings :


java -jar greenpepper-remote-agent-x.x-complete.jar


Command line to start the remote agent on a specified port :


java -jar greenpepper-remote-agent-x.x-complete.jar -port <MyPortNumber>


By default, the Remote Agent is listening on port 56000

Secured mode

The communication between your GreenPepper server and your agent can be secured with SSL.


  1. On Remote Agent
    1.  Your Remote Agent must be version 1.3 or higher
    2. You must have a KeyStore properly configured see Configuring my Agent keystore
  2. On GreenPepper Server
    1. Your GreenPepper Server must be version 1.3 or higher
    2. You must have the agent certificate stored in your java cacerts file see Importing the Agent certificate

Enabling Secured Mode

  • On the remote agent
    To enable Secured mode start the remote agent with this command line :


    java -jar greenpepper-remote-agent-x.x-complete.jar -secured -keystore <path to your keystore file>
  • On GreenPepper Server : 
    In Confluence or XWiki, get in GreenPepper Server Configuration, then Select the remote runner to be secured and just check the box "Secured Mode".

Configuration File

Starting with version 2.1, the remote agent can use a property file to specify parameters (instead of the command line parameters).

By default, the remote agent will look for a property file remoteagent.properties in the current directory.

You can also use the command line parameter -config [path of the configuration file] to override the default property file.

Command line parameterConfiguration file entryDefault Value
-securedgreenpepper.remoteagent.secured=[true or false]false
-keystoregreenpepper.remoteagent.keystore.file=[path of the keystore file]* Mandatory if secured=true
 greenpepper.remoteagent.keystore.password=[the password of the keystore file]* Mandatory if secured=true and the keystore require a password

The property greenpepper.remoteagent.keystore.password replace the command line input of the keystore password at remote agent startup.

Exemple of remoteagent.properties content


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