4.0 Changelog

4.0 Changelog

The first stable versions are :

  • 4.0 for GreenPepper Core
  • 4.0.2 for GreenPepper Open
Confluence PluginUse Confluence as a  Test document repository.Download
Remote RunnerThe GreenPepper remote agent is a small server that can be used to execute specifications from a GreenPepper Server to another machine.Download
Maven Runner Download
Java Runner Download
C# Runner Download
PHP RunnerUse this binary to run GreenPepper Specifications tests with PHP.Download

Confluence 5 

Greenpepper-wiki macro

With the new Rich text editor of confluence 5, creating specification table can be more time consuming than it was before. To help you keep your pace, we have introduced a new macro :


This macro will allow you to write your specification in wiki format.

includeStyle=true not working on output page

Before 4.0, using the includeStyle parameter on the AtlassianRepository where throwing an Exception. It's fixed now


The default value for includeStyle is true. In practice, it means that the impact on you will surely be that you will remove the &includeStyle=false from your URL.


Greenpepper Core 

Hidden stacktraces in the output pages


Before Greenpepper 4, you will have the following page in case of error.Greenpepper 4 will get you the following on the same page . 
 If you want to see the stacktrace, you will need to click on the '+' and '-' sign.


Maven Plugin 

Single Specification testing

You can now launch a single specification via the mvn command.

No need to change you POM anymore ! 

mvn greenpepper:run -Dgp.test="My Other PAGE TITLE" -Dgp.repo=confluence

More information on the dedicated page.

Maven Runner 

Supporting Maven 3 repositories

Although the embedded version of Maven is still Maven 2, the Runner is now compatible with Maven 3 local repositories.

Supporting classifier artifact

Greenpepper 4 Maven runner will now allow you to specify artifacts with classifier. In that case, only that artifact will be downloaded and added to the classpath.

This functionality is designed for project wanting to test on a single JAR, created for instance using the Maven Assembly Plugin, or Maven Shade Plugin

Example usage
java -jar greenpepper-maven-runner-4.0-complete.jar -p com.github.strator-dev.greenpepper:greenpepper-client:jar:complete:4.0 MySpecification.html

Don't lose my specification !

The GreenPepper Maven Runner could, in some cases, overwrite the input file with the output. Version 4.0 will now create a file with the same name as the input suffixed with '.out' .

➜  test git:(b8ee7c8) java -jar ../greenpepper-maven-runner-4.0-RC1-complete.jar -p com.github.strator-dev.greenpepper:greenpepper-client:jar:complete:4.0-RC1 MySpecification.html -v
➜  test git:(b8ee7c8) tree 
├── MySpecification.html
└── MySpecification.html.out

0 directories, 2 files



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