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Support for Markdown syntax

Using the --dialect option in greenpepper, you can define a class that will be used to convert a specification from a syntax to HTML.
That is what is used for greenpepper to support Markdown.

Example usage

To use the default Markdown dialect, you will need to include greenpepper-extensions-java in your classpath. Then you need to use the class com.greenpepper.runner.dialect.MarkdownDialect.

java -cp greenpepper-core.jar:greenpepper-extensions-java.jar com.greenpepper.runner.Main \
         -d com.greenpepper.runner.dialect.MarkdownDialect \ \

Differences between the GreenPepper Markdown syntax and CommonMark

CommonMark is a specification defining a strict markdown syntax. Even though the initiative is needed, the specification becomes hightly restrictive for usage in software.
Greenpepper extends this specification for handling html tables in a more flexible way.

Allowed differences between column numbers

Greenpepper allows the following :

| do with | Banker |
| accept | open an account for | John |
| display | the id of | John | account |
| check  | the balance of | John | account is | 0 |

Multiple lines headers

Greenpepper allows the following :

| list of | Accounts |
| owner | balance | id  |
| John  | 0       | abc |

  • No labels


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