Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Runner Management

  • Vector<Object> getRunner(String name) :
  • Vector<Object> getAllRunners() :
  • String createRunner(Vector<Object> runnerParams) :
  • String updateRunner(String oldRunnerName, Vector<Object> runnerParams) :
  • String removeRunner(String name) :

Project Management

  • Vector<Vector<String>> getAllProjects() : Returns an array of Project names array.

Repository Management


titleAbout the example on this page

The examples on this pages are written in Python for simplicity.

Code Block
titleExample of initialization
import xmlrpclib
_host = "http://localhost:8080"
proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(_host + "/rpc/xmlrpc?handler=greenpepper1")
gp = proxy.greenpepper1

Table of Content Zone


Table of Contents

Runner Management

Vector<Object> getRunner(String name) :

Vector<Object> getAllRunners() :

String createRunner(Vector<Object> runnerParams) :

 String updateRunner(String oldRunnerName, Vector<Object> runnerParams) :

String removeRunner(String name) :

Project Management

Vector<Vector<String>> getAllProjects()

Returns an array of Project names array.

Code Block
titleExample usage
projects = gp.getAllProjects()

Repository Management

Vector<Object> getRegisteredRepository(Vector<Object> repositoryParams);

Vector<Object> registerRepository(Vector<Object> repositoryParams);

String updateRepositoryRegistration(Vector<Object>


SUT Management

  • Vector<Object> getSystemUnderTestsOfAssociatedProject(Vector<Object> repositoryParams);
  • Vector<Object> getSystemUnderTestsOfProject(String projectName);
  • String addSpecificationSystemUnderTest(Vector<Object> systemUnderTestParams, Vector<Object> specificationParams);
  • String removeSpecificationSystemUnderTest(Vector<Object> systemUnderTestParams, Vector<Object> specificationParams);
  • Vector<Object> getSystemUnderTest(Vector<Object> systemUnderTestParams, Vector<Object> repositoryParams);
  • String createSystemUnderTest(Vector<Object> systemUnderTestParams, Vector<Object> repositoryParams);
  • String updateSystemUnderTest(String oldSystemUnderTestName, Vector<Object> systemUnderTestParams, Vector<Object> repositoryParams);
  • String removeSystemUnderTest(Vector<Object> systemUnderTestParams, Vector<Object> repositoryParams);
  • String setSystemUnderTestAsDefault(Vector<Object> systemUnderTestParams, Vector<Object> repositoryParams);

Specification Management


Vector<Vector<String>> getListOfSpecificationLocations(String repositoryUID, String systemUnderTestName) : Returns a list of arrays giving Specification Definitions of the form 

No Format
Return : [RepositoryClass, RepositoryBaseTestURL, Username, Password, SpecificationName]



String removeRepository(String repositoryUid);

Vector<Object> getAllSpecificationRepositories()

Code Block
titleExample usage
specRepoList = gp.getAllSpecificationRepositories()

Vector<Object> getSpecificationRepositoriesOfAssociatedProject(Vector<Object> repositoryParams);

Vector<Object> getAllRepositoriesForSystemUnderTest(Vector<Object> systemUnderTestParams);

Vector<Object> getSpecificationRepositoriesForSystemUnderTest(Vector<Object> systemUnderTestParams);

Vector<Object> getRequirementRepositoriesOfAssociatedProject(Vector<Object> repositoryParams);

SUT Management

Vector<Object> getSystemUnderTestsOfAssociatedProject(Vector<Object> repositoryParams);

Vector<Object> getSystemUnderTestsOfProject(String projectName)

Code Block
sutList = gp.getSystemUnderTestsOfProject('GREENPEPPERDEMO')

String addSpecificationSystemUnderTest(Vector<Object> systemUnderTestParams, Vector<Object> specificationParams);

String removeSpecificationSystemUnderTest(Vector<Object> systemUnderTestParams, Vector<Object> specificationParams);

Vector<Object> getSystemUnderTest(Vector<Object> systemUnderTestParams, Vector<Object> repositoryParams);

String createSystemUnderTest(Vector<Object> systemUnderTestParams, Vector<Object> repositoryParams);

String updateSystemUnderTest(String oldSystemUnderTestName, Vector<Object> systemUnderTestParams, Vector<Object> repositoryParams);

String removeSystemUnderTest(Vector<Object> systemUnderTestParams, Vector<Object> repositoryParams);

String setSystemUnderTestAsDefault(Vector<Object> systemUnderTestParams, Vector<Object> repositoryParams);

Specification Management

Vector<?> getListOfSpecificationLocations(String repositoryUID, String systemUnderTestName)

Vector<Object> getSpecification(Vector<Object> specificationParams);

Vector<Object> getSpecifications(Vector<Object> systemUnderTestParams, Vector<Object> repositoryParams);

Vector<Vector<String>> getListOfSpecificationLocations(String repositoryUID, String systemUnderTestName) :

Returns a list of arrays giving Specification Definitions of the form 

No Format
Return : [RepositoryClass, RepositoryBaseTestURL, Username, Password, SpecificationName]

Vector<Object> createSpecification(Vector<Object> specificationParams);

String updateSpecification(Vector<Object> oldSpecificationParams, Vector<Object> newSpecificationParams);

String removeSpecification(Vector<Object> specificationParams);

Vector<Object> getSpecificationHierarchy(Vector<Object> repositoryParams, Vector<Object> sutParams) : 

The return value is for the following format :

No Format
DocumentNode[Title, executable, canBeImplemented, Children{ "Child1 Title" : DocumentNode[], "Child2 Title" : DocumentNode[] }]

Code Block
titleExample usage
specRepo = gp.getAllSpecificationRepositories()[6];
sut = gp.getSystemUnderTestsOfProject('GREENPEPPERDEMO')[4];
doctree = gp.getSpecificationHierarchy(specRepo, sut);
# How do we visit this result ?
def visit(node):
    yield node[0],node[1]
    for child in node[3].values():
        for name, executable in visit(child):
            yield name, executable
for pageName, executable in visit(doctree):
    # I want only the executable ones
    if executable == True:
        print "[%s][%s] %s "% (i,executable,pageName)


On Confluence plugin, there is a simpler method :

Code Block
 doctree = gp.getSpecificationHierarchy('username','password',["SpaceKey"])

However, this method doesn't filter on an SUT nor for a Project. It's handy, if you have only one SUT and one Project for your Space.

String getRenderedSpecification(String username, String password, Vector<?> args)

Renders the Specification content.

Returns a String (that is the HTML on a Wiki for instance)

Code Block
titleExample usage
gp.getRenderedSpecification('login','password',['SpaceKey',"Specification Title",includeStyleBoolean])

String setSpecificationAsImplemented(String username, String password, Vector<?> args);


Code Block


specRepo = cf._greenpepper.getAllSpecificationRepositories()[6];
sut = cf._greenpepper.getSystemUnderTestsOfProject('VenteEncaissement')[4];
doctree = cf._greenpepper.getSpecificationHierarchy(specRepo, sut);


gp.setSpecificationAsImplemented('login','password',['SpaceKey',"Specification Title"])


Code Block
package com.greenpepper.server.rpc;

import java.util.Vector;

 * The XmlRpcService provides an XML-RPC interface into GreenPepper Server.
 * All available methods are documented here.
 * <p/>
 * Copyright (c) 2006 Pyxis technologies inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * @author JCHUET
 * @version $Id: $Id
public interface RpcServerService
   /** Constant <code>SERVICE_HANDLER="greenpepper1"</code> */
   String SERVICE_HANDLER = "greenpepper1";
     * Retrieves the GreenpPepper Server license.
     * <p/>
     * @return the GreenpPepper Server license message.
    public Vector<Object> license();

     * Uploads the new GreenpPepper Server license.
     * <p/>
     * @param newLicense a {@link java.lang.String} object.
     * @return success or error.
    public String uploadNewLicense(String newLicense);

     * Test the connection to the server.
     * <p/>
     * @return success.
    public String testConnection();

     * Pings the server.
     * <p/>
     * @param repositoryParams a {@link java.util.Vector} object.
     * @return success.
    public String ping(Vector<Object> repositoryParams);
     * Retrieves the EnvironmentTypes available.
     * <p/>
     * @return all the EnvironmentTypes available.
    public Vector<Object> getAllEnvironmentTypes();

     * Retrieves the runner for a given the name.
     * <p/>
     * @param name a {@link java.lang.String} object.
     * @return the runner for a given the name.
    public Vector<Object> getRunner(String name);

     * Retrieves all available Runners.
     * <p/>
     * @return  all available Runners
    public Vector<Object> getAllRunners();

     * Creates a new Runner.
     * <p/>
     * @param runnerParams Runner['name','cmd',['envtypename'],'servername','serverport','mainclass',['cp1','cp2'],'secured']
     * @return error id if an error occured
    public String createRunner(Vector<Object> runnerParams);

     * Updates the Runner.
     * <p/>
     * @param oldRunnerName a {@link java.lang.String} object.
     * @param runnerParams a {@link java.util.Vector} object.
     * @return error id if an error occured
    public String updateRunner(String oldRunnerName, Vector<Object> runnerParams);

     * Creates a new Runner.
     * <p/>
     * @param name a {@link java.lang.String} object.
     * @return error id if an error occured
    public String removeRunner(String name);
     * Retrieves the Repository for the uid.
     * <p/>
     * @param repositoryParams a {@link java.util.Vector} object.
     * @return the Repository for the uid.
    public Vector<Object> getRegisteredRepository(Vector<Object> repositoryParams);

     * Registers the repository in GreenPepper-server.
     * If project not found it will be created.
     * <p/>
     * @param repositoryParams a {@link java.util.Vector} object.
     * @return the registered repository.
    public Vector<Object> registerRepository(Vector<Object> repositoryParams);

     * Updates the Repository Registration.
     * If project not found it will be created.
     * <p/>
     * @param repositoryParams a {@link java.util.Vector} object.
     * @return a {@link java.lang.String} object.
    public String updateRepositoryRegistration(Vector<Object> repositoryParams);

     * Removes the Repository if this one doesnt hold any specifications.
     * <p/>
     * @param repositoryUid a {@link java.lang.String} object.
     * @return a {@link java.lang.String} object.
    public String removeRepository(String repositoryUid);

     * Retrieves the complete project list.
     * <p/>
     * @return the complete project list.
    public Vector<Object> getAllProjects();

     * Retrieves all the Specification repository grouped by project
     * or an error id in a Hastable if an error occured.
     * <p/>
     * @return the Specification repository list grouped by types for the project
     * or an error id in a Hastable if an error occured.
    public Vector<Object> getAllSpecificationRepositories();

     * Retrieves the Specification repository list grouped by types for the project associated with
     * the specified repository or an error id in a Hastable if an error occured.
     * <p/>
     * @param repositoryParams a {@link java.util.Vector} object.
     * @return the Specification repository list grouped by types for the project associated with
     * the specified repository or an error id in a Hastable if an error occured.
    public Vector<Object> getSpecificationRepositoriesOfAssociatedProject(Vector<Object> repositoryParams);

     * Retrieves the Repository list for the project associated with
     * the specified system under test or an error id in a Hastable if an error occured.
     * <p/>
     * @param systemUnderTestParams a {@link java.util.Vector} object.
     * @return the repository list for the project associated with
     * the specified systemUnderTest or an error id in a Hastable if an error occured.
    public Vector<Object> getAllRepositoriesForSystemUnderTest(Vector<Object> systemUnderTestParams);

     * Retrieves the Specification repository list grouped by types for the project associated with
     * the specified SystemUnderTest or an error id in a Hastable if an error occured.
     * <p/>
     * @param systemUnderTestParams a {@link java.util.Vector} object.
     * @return the Specification repository list grouped by types for the project associated with
     * the specified SystemUnderTest or an error id in a Hastable if an error occured.
    public Vector<Object> getSpecificationRepositoriesForSystemUnderTest(Vector<Object> systemUnderTestParams);

     * Retrieves the Requirement repository list for the project associated with
     * the specified repository or an error id in a Hastable if an error occured.
     * <p/>
     * @param repositoryParams a {@link java.util.Vector} object.
     * @return the Requirement repository list for the project associated with
     * the specified repository or an error id in a Hastable if an error occured.
    public Vector<Object> getRequirementRepositoriesOfAssociatedProject(Vector<Object> repositoryParams);

     * Retrieves the SystemUnderTest list for the project associated with
     * the specified repository or an error id in a Hastable if an error occured.
     * <p/>
     * @param repositoryParams a {@link java.util.Vector} object.
     * @return the SystemUnderTest list for the project associated with
     * the specified repository or an error id in a Hastable if an error occured.
    public Vector<Object> getSystemUnderTestsOfAssociatedProject(Vector<Object> repositoryParams);

     * Retrieves the SystemUnderTest list for the project associated
     * or an error id in a Hastable if an error occured.
     * <p/>
     * @param projectName a {@link java.lang.String} object.
     * @return the SystemUnderTest list for the project associated
     * or an error id in a Hastable if an error occured.
    public Vector<Object> getSystemUnderTestsOfProject(String projectName);

     * Adds the SystemUnderTest to the SystemUnderTest list of the Specification.
     * <p/>
     * @param systemUnderTestParams SUT[name,Project[name]]
     * @param specificationParams Spec[name, Repo[name,uid]]
     * @return error id if an error occured
    public String addSpecificationSystemUnderTest(Vector<Object>  systemUnderTestParams, Vector<Object>  specificationParams);

     * Removes the SystemUnderTest to the SystemUnderTest list of the Specification.
     * <p/>
     * @param systemUnderTestParams a {@link java.util.Vector} object.
     * @param specificationParams a {@link java.util.Vector} object.
     * @return error id if an error occured
    public String removeSpecificationSystemUnderTest(Vector<Object>  systemUnderTestParams, Vector<Object>  specificationParams);

     * Checks if the Specification is in atleast one reference.
     * <p/>
     * @param specificationParams a {@link java.util.Vector} object.
     * @return true if the Specification is in atleast one reference.
    public String doesSpecificationHasReferences(Vector<Object> specificationParams);

     * Retrieves the references list of the specified Specification
     * <p/>
     * @param specificationParams a {@link java.util.Vector} object.
     * @return the references list of the specified Specification
    public Vector<Object> getSpecificationReferences(Vector<Object> specificationParams);

     * Checks if the Requirement is in atleast one Reference.
     * <p/>
     * @param requirementParams a {@link java.util.Vector} object.
     * @return true if the Requirement is in atleast one Reference.
    public String doesRequirementHasReferences(Vector<Object> requirementParams);

     * Retrieves the References list of the specified requirement
     * <p/>
     * @param requirementParams a {@link java.util.Vector} object.
     * @return the References list of the specified requirement
    public Vector<Object> getRequirementReferences(Vector<Object> requirementParams);

     * Retrieves the Reference.
     * </p>
     * @param referenceParams a {@link java.util.Vector} object.
     * @return the Reference.
    public Vector<Object> getReference(Vector<Object> referenceParams);

     * Retrieves the systemUnderTest
     * <p/>
     * @param systemUnderTestParams a {@link java.util.Vector} object.
     * @param repositoryParams a {@link java.util.Vector} object.
     * @return error id if an error occured
    public Vector<Object> getSystemUnderTest(Vector<Object> systemUnderTestParams, Vector<Object> repositoryParams);

     * Creates the systemUnderTest
     * <p/>
     * @param systemUnderTestParams Vector[name, Vector[project parameters], Vector[seeds classPaths], Vector[fixture classPaths], fixturefactory,
     *                              fixturefactoryargs, isdefault,
     *                              Runner['name','cmd',['envtypename'],'servername','serverport','mainclass',['cp1','cp2'],'secured'],
     *                              projectdependencydescriptor]
     * @param repositoryParams REPO[name, uid]
     * @return error id if an error occured
    public String createSystemUnderTest(Vector<Object> systemUnderTestParams, Vector<Object> repositoryParams);

     * Updates the systemUnderTest
     * <p/>
     * @param oldSystemUnderTestName a {@link java.lang.String} object.
     * @param systemUnderTestParams a {@link java.util.Vector} object.
     * @param repositoryParams a {@link java.util.Vector} object.
     * @return error id if an error occured
    public String updateSystemUnderTest(String oldSystemUnderTestName, Vector<Object> systemUnderTestParams, Vector<Object> repositoryParams);

     * Removes the systemUnderTest
     * <p/>
     * @param systemUnderTestParams SUT[name, project[name]]
     * @param repositoryParams REPO[name,uid]
     * @return error id if an error occured
    public String removeSystemUnderTest(Vector<Object> systemUnderTestParams, Vector<Object> repositoryParams);

     * Sets the systemUnderTest as the project default SystemUnderTest
     * <p/>
     * @param systemUnderTestParams a {@link java.util.Vector} object.
     * @param repositoryParams a {@link java.util.Vector} object.
     * @return error id if an error occured
    public String setSystemUnderTestAsDefault(Vector<Object> systemUnderTestParams, Vector<Object> repositoryParams);

     * Removes the Requirement.
     * <p/>
     * @param requirementParams a {@link java.util.Vector} object.
     * @return error id if an error occured
    public String removeRequirement(Vector<Object> requirementParams);

     * Retrieves the Specification
     * <p/>
     * @param specificationParams [name,repository[name,uid]]
     * @return the Specification
    public Vector<Object> getSpecification(Vector<Object> specificationParams);

     * Retrieves all Specifications for a given SystemUnderTest and Repository
     * <p>
     * @param systemUnderTestParams a {@link java.util.Vector} object.
     * @param repositoryParams a {@link java.util.Vector} object.
     * @return all Specifications for a given SystemUnderTest and Repository
    public Vector<Object> getSpecifications(Vector<Object> systemUnderTestParams, Vector<Object> repositoryParams);

     * Retrieves the Specification location list for a given SystemUnderTest and Repository
     * <p/>
     * @param repositoryUID a {@link java.lang.String} object.
     * @param systemUnderTestName a {@link java.lang.String} object.
     * @return the Specification location list for a given SystemUnderTest and Repository
    public Vector<?> getListOfSpecificationLocations(String repositoryUID, String systemUnderTestName);

     * Creates the Specification
     * <p/>
     * @param specificationParams a {@link java.util.Vector} object.
     * @return the new Specification
    public Vector<Object> createSpecification(Vector<Object> specificationParams);

     * Updates the Specification.
     * <p/>
     * @param oldSpecificationParams a {@link java.util.Vector} object.
     * @param newSpecificationParams a {@link java.util.Vector} object.
     * @return error id if an error occured
    public String updateSpecification(Vector<Object> oldSpecificationParams, Vector<Object> newSpecificationParams);

     * Removes the Specification.
     * <p/>
     * @param specificationParams a {@link java.util.Vector} object.
     * @return error id if an error occured
    public String removeSpecification(Vector<Object> specificationParams);

     * Creates a Reference
     * <p/>
     * @param referenceParams a {@link java.util.Vector} object.
     * @return error id if an error occured
    public String createReference(Vector<Object> referenceParams);

     * Update the Reference.
     * The Old one will be deleted based on the oldReferenceParams and a new One
     * will be created based on the newReferenceParams.
     * <p/>
     * @param oldReferenceParams a {@link java.util.Vector} object.
     * @param newReferenceParams a {@link java.util.Vector} object.
     * @return the updated Reference
    public Vector<Object> updateReference(Vector<Object> oldReferenceParams, Vector<Object> newReferenceParams);

     * Deletes the specified Reference.
     * <p/>
     * @param referenceParams a {@link java.util.Vector} object.
     * @return error id if an eror occured
    public String removeReference(Vector<Object> referenceParams);

     * Executes the Specification over the selected SystemUnderTest.
     * <p/>
     * @param systemUnderTestParams a {@link java.util.Vector} object.
     * @param specificationParams a {@link java.util.Vector} object.
     * @param implementedVersion a boolean.
     * @param locale a {@link java.lang.String} object.
     * @return the Execution of the Specification over the selected SystemUnderTest.
    public Vector<Object> runSpecification(Vector<Object> systemUnderTestParams, Vector<Object> specificationParams, boolean implementedVersion, String locale);

     * Executes the Reference.
     * <p/>
     * @param referenceParams a {@link java.util.Vector} object.
     * @param locale a {@link java.lang.String} object.
     * @return the Reference executed
    public Vector<Object> runReference(Vector<Object> referenceParams, String locale);

     * Retrieves the Requirement summary.
     * <p/>
     * @param requirementParams a {@link java.util.Vector} object.
     * @return the Requirement summary.
    public Vector<Object> getRequirementSummary(Vector<Object> requirementParams);

     * Retrieve the specifications hierarchy for a Repository.
     * <p/>
     * @param repositoryParams a {@link java.util.Vector} object.
     * @param sutParams a {@link java.util.Vector} object.
     * @return the TestCase executed
    public Vector<Object> getSpecificationHierarchy(Vector<Object> repositoryParams, Vector<Object> sutParams);

