Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • {classpaths}: will be replaced by the classpath specified in the runner, in addition to the project classpath if includeProjectClasspath is set.
  • {mainClass}: will be replaced by the runner's mainClass.
  • {inputPath}: will be replaced by the specification to test. (*MANDATORY*)
  • {outputPath}: will be replaced by the output path. (*MANDATORY*)
  • {repository}: will be replaced by the repository information comming from the associated repository.
  • {fixtureFactory}: will be replaced by the systemUnderDevelopment specified in the plugin configuation.
  • {fixtureFactoryArgs}: will be replaced by the systemUnderDevelopmentArgs specified in the plugin configuation.
titleBeware the template variables

In this cmdLineTemplate, the template parameters are written without the dollar sign $. That is not the case for the same cmdLineTemplate you would put in the wiki plugin configuration.

  • Confluence example: java -cp ${classpaths} ${mainClass} ${inputPath} ${outputPath} -r ${repository} -f ${fixtureFactory}
  • Maven equivalent: java -cp {classpaths} {mainClass} {inputPath} {outputPath} -r {repository} -f {fixtureFactory}

For a compatibility reason, we will try to use the ${key} if we find it. However the risk for you is that the string might be replaced by maven.


Code Block
        <name>GP Core ${greenpepper.version}</name>
        <cmdLineTemplate>${maven.greenpepper.jvm} ${maven.greenpepper.javaoptions} -cp {classpaths} {mainClass} {inputPath} {outputPath} -r {repository} -f {fixtureFactory};{fixtureFactoryArgs}</cmdLineTemplate>


Refer to the maven greenpepper:run goal documentation to get (or set) the value of: * maven.greenpepper.forkCount and * maven.greenpepper.jvm. * maven.greenpepper.javaoptions